速報APP / 商業 / Global Women App

Global Women App



檔案大小:13.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Global Women App(圖1)-速報App

The Global Women app has been designer exclusively for you. Whether you are a valued member, investment partner, champion, alumni or breakthrough leader, download the free app now.

The Global Women app makes it easier to connect to the people, trends, training and topics that matter in your professional world. Build and nurture your professional profile. The purpose-built app is designed to amplify your event experience and bring together a diverse and unique conglomerate of people who share a common purpose.

But that's just the beginning:

> Tell your story with your professional profile, containing your image, title, a brief bio, with links to your social media profiles and contact details.

> Search for people, jobs, companies, groups, industry's, sectors and topics.

> Get updates from the people, publishers and companies that matter to your professional success.

Global Women App(圖2)-速報App

> Grow your professional network and keep in touch.

> Share articles to establish yourself as a thought leader.

> Engage with the Global Women initiatives - Activation Series, Dinner Dialogues, Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Meet ups, Retreat, Champions for Change and BTL Workshops and guests will have access.

> The Live Event Feed allows you to post comments, photos and ask questions before, during and after the event. These are seen by other attendees, organisers and speakers and may be broadcast live on a screen at the event. You can also share direct to social media channels from within the app.

> Private Messaging allows you to connect with other attendees and speakers and share contact details should you wish. The app is a proven networking tool and enables you to build contacts and retain their information for future reference.

> You'll never midd another session with the ability to enable notifications, alerting you to upcoming events you have booked within the app.

Global Women App(圖3)-速報App

> Turn your smartphone into a microphone to ask questions during a speakers' presentation, workshop or session. Take notes within the app, provide instant feedback via live polls or rate speakers so we can tailor our upcoming events to suit your needs and interests.

Global Women has worked hard to created a customized app to empower you to interact and engage with fellow attendees and speakers. We hope this app will help you to get the most out of your attendance at our events and provide us with the tools to continue to deliver events that inspire and evoke positive change.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad